The Spookiest Houses of the Neighborhood

Secondary 1 PEI students had quite a spooky mission: over the weekend they had to sneak around their neighborhood with their camera ready and take pictures of the BEST Halloween decorated houses. It’s a known fact that if the house is decorated, its owner will most likely give away candy. If the house is WELL decorated, there is a good chance that its owner will give you A LOT OF candy! So get ready to venture out into the streets to visit these homes on Halloween night. If you want to get even more candy, follow these tips that Miss Olga’s students prepared for you:

– Wear a costume! No one likes to give candy to kids who think they are too cool to dress up!

– Hit the streets early when everyone is fully stocked!

– Trick-or-treat in small groups so homeowners can be generous.

– Have a small bucket and empty it every few houses. The homeowner will feel sorry to see your nearly empty bucket and will give you more candy.

– Compliment the owner on their decorations. Everyone likes flattery.

– Don’t forget to smile. Friendlier you are, more candy you will get!

– Hit up good candy-givers twice by slipping on another mask.

– Be excited! Tell everyone they are giving your favorite candy. That way you won’t seem greedy if you ask for more.

– Resist the urge to eat candy as you go. You might get full too soon and won’t be able to cover much distance.




Terrebonne photo taken by Dana Bouzabia



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